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Ready, Alert, & Prepared: Do Not Be Caught Off Guard
Ready, alert, prepared….something my mother rehearsed as she was learning to find her voice with the well-meaning women of the church, ladies circles, altar guild, as well as her strong and opinionated mother-in-law. In fact, I can remember mother walking around repeating “be ready, alert, and prepared” before she entered one of these spaces….so much

Graceful Endings
This year has been full of endings and full of various emotions that coincide with these endings. With any ending there is certainly loss and pain but there is also an opportunity for growth and creativity. I have often felt like I have been in the passenger’s seat of many of these endings…. not driving

Making Meetings Meaningful
No matter your role in this world it is likely you are attending some sort of meeting! Whether it is a meeting for your child, your work, your civic engagement or faith establishment, meetings are inevitable! Isn’t it the worst when you attend a meeting that is an utter waste of your time! There are
You don’t have to go through your life struggles alone. Reach out today.
Imagine the best version of yourself and the obstacles behind you. This is the power of coaching. Through a powerful yet compassionate process you will find possibilities to create forward motion in your life and career. You will experience meaningful changes as you discover your highest potential.