Group Coaching

Join others in this journey to assist you in becoming clear and purposeful in your personal and/or professional worlds.

Group coaching allows you to join others in this journey. These coaching sessions are designed to assist you in becoming clear and purposeful in your personal and/or professional worlds. I offer the following group coaching sessions:
  • Professional Women’s Group: Lead Where you are Planted
  • Embracing Life’s Transitions Group: Discovering new Possibilities
  • Working Moms Empowerment Group: Maintaining Meaning, Purpose, and Balance
  • Empowering Women Supervision Group: Strengths Based Supervision

What My Clients Say

Allison is a natural... I received truly transformative insight that encouraged me to think outside the box and take charge of my life!
Shamika Cooley
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Allison assisted me with developing something as simple as a plan for packing up my house to move, to coaching me through a sensitive conversation with my supervisor about my career goals. Allison assisted with helping me to recognize the thoughts, ideas, and values I already had to lead and live with purpose and clarity. I could not recommend working with Allison as a life coach more!
Jacque Jones
Licensed Master Social Worker


Ready, Alert, & Prepared: Do Not Be Caught Off Guard

Ready, alert, prepared….something my mother rehearsed as she was learning to find her voice with the well-meaning women of the church, ladies circles, altar guild, as well as her strong and opinionated mother-in-law. In fact, I can remember mother

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Graceful Endings

This year has been full of endings and full of various emotions that coincide with these endings. With any ending there is certainly loss and pain but there is also an opportunity for growth and creativity. I have often

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Making Meetings Meaningful

No matter your role in this world it is likely you are attending some sort of meeting! Whether it is a meeting for your child, your work, your civic engagement or faith establishment, meetings are inevitable! Isn’t it the

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Are you ready to see what’s on the “other side”? 

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